Technical Talk On Exploring Git Hub

DATE: 29th OCTOBER 2021

TIMING: 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM

 Profile of the Speaker:

Mr. Shivam J Pandey, Senior Systems Engineer, Infosys Ltd., Hyderabad. He is currently working in the field of cyber security. He is an Active security researcher, and has worked for Indian Government and bounty programs of US Défense & European Union. He solved one of the biggest GTU data breach of the country and has over 6 to 10 million records.


On 29th October 2021, Department of MCA has organized a “Technical Talk” for the students. The title of the session was Exploring GITHUB, a development platform, which should be utilized by students in exchanging knowledge creating a technical centric world. This also helps to write better code and know what is happening in today’s technical scenario.


The session was conducted through Zoom by Mr. Sandeep J Pandya, Senior Systems Engineer, Infosys ltd.The title of the session was Exploring GIT HUB which was very helpful as we got to know the importance of exchanging knowledge and creating a technical centric world. The session covered the importance of GIT HUB platform and how it helps in hosting for software development and version control using. It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git, plus its own features. During the session students were taught about how git hub works and how to display resume in html file in git.


Students found the session very interesting. The session impacted much on students to explore more in this field. It was useful and interesting. In the end students gave their feedback as it was a useful session for them.