Student Technical Symposium YUKTHI 2K19
Yukthi V5.0 was held on 13th of September, from 10:00am – 1:00pm in the Department of MCA, at NHCE.
This symposium was conducted with an agenda to allow students to exposetheir technical ideas in a forum. This way the participants will know how to integrate the latest technologies into their research projects and present their paper with novel innovative ideas.
Description :
Yukthi V5.0 gave an opportunity to advocate their innovative ideas in a wonderful students forum.The process of making a student research-savvy is the order of the day and particularly very important for PG students of computer applications. The students presented their project ideas in theirfield of interest.This will further allow all the other students to understand what are the present ideas which can be taken up as both an academic as well as a research project.
The judges were faculty from the MCA department. They patiently listened to all the research ideas and gave suggestions to students as to how they can further their ideas in a proper effective way. Student participants from various departments presented the research papers along with a power point presentation. There were a few participants from external colleges too. The ideas behind the research papers were amazing, incorporated various technologies and case studies. Some students participated as a team and a few had their individual papers to present.
All of the ideas were primarily based on the topics like, machine learning, artificial intelligence and other current technologies. It seemed like all the students had their own solutions and ideas to resolve social issues. One of our winner participants had a working model to showcase to the audience. The session came to an end and winners were decided by the jury members.
The prize winners list can be found below.
Prize Winner’s List:
First Winner:
AyushBharadwaj and MadhumithaRamakrishnan (CS dept)
Second Winner:
SandipLaha (MCA dept)
Third Winner:
Lakshmi. B (McaDept)