Make it real through Android

May 15th, 2021, 9:30 a.m through Google meet we had an Expert Lecture session on “Make it real through Android” was conducted by Mr. Ashish Zingade. This program was hosted by Department of MCA, NHCE. It was held for students of MCA – IV semester students to get insights on the Android SMS using class and intent.

This was a hands-on session and the concepts and methods were explained for sending and receiving an SMS between two emulators through Android studio. He explained the two ways to send SMS. It is through SMS Manager Class and intent and even showed setting permissions in Android Manifest file to send and receive SMS and as well as the methods involved for sending a message in Email Application. All this was explained by sharing the screen and codes. Whenever an error was encountered the reason for the error and the explanation to rectify it was also shared.

The session was arranged to explain the major methods in a very clear and understandable way. This session was extremely useful and beneficial as it covered major topics from the syllabus. It was an interactive session, students had already installed android studio in their
laptop and were performing exercises simultaneously, which helped in better understanding. 

At the end there was a Q&A session where students were able to clear their doubts and asked questions related to their android project which involved firebase which they are pursuing in the curriculum.
